Important Crop Insurance dates are exactly that - Vitally Important Dates!

Even the best crop insurance plan in the world is of little use to you if the right information is not collected on time and submitted on time.
Also, if certain actions are not completed on time, you, as a producer may not receive the full benefit from the risk protection that you have selected.
Important Crop Insurance Dates will vary from crop to crop and from state to state. The dates below are primarily for crops in Oklahoma. Click on either the Calendar View or the crop name below to expand the dates that you need to stay aware of.
Click Calendar View to expand into a Calendar Table.
Calendar View
Click each crop below to see its dates.
Annual Forage Growing Season 1
Annual Forage Growing Season 2
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF)
Wheat (MPCI)
Canola (MPCI)
Corn (MPCI)
Soybeans (MPCI)
Peanuts (MPCI)
Cotton (MPCI)
Important Crop Insurance Dates brief definitions:
Sales Closing Dates -- last day to apply for coverage or to make changes to an existing policy, ie the signup deadline.
Acreage Reporting Date -- last day to report the acreage planted. If not reported, insurance may not be in effect.
Date to file notice of crop damage -- within 72 hours of initial discovery of damage, upon harvest completion (but not later than 15 days after the end of the insurance period for each insurance unit). There may be additional requirements by crop. An adjuster must have the opportunity to inspect the crop before it is harvested, destroyed or put to another use.
Production Reporting Date last day to report production for Actual Production History (APH).