HEMP! Proceed With Caution!
With the signing of the 2018 Farm Bill into law hemp was declassified from a controlled dangerous substance and is now an agricultural commodity.

Currently in Oklahoma our state pilot program differs from the federal laws. Research into regulations and ag policies for hemp are underway but it will be sometime before a commercial ag industry is up and running.
With the lack of infrastructure and processing facilities we urge you to proceed with extreme caution if you plan on growing industrial hemp in the 2019 crop year. Do your research and make sure you are not getting pulled into something that is too good to be true.
Currently hemp is eligible for crop insurance but there is no federal crop insurance policy available this year for the new commodity.
In the future industrial hemp could be another crop you can put into your rotation but there are to many unknowns currently. As we begin to see more information on Ag Policy on industrial hemp we will keep you informed.